Princess of the house
SPH f 03
DoB 24.10.2023
SPH f 03
DoB 24.10.2023
♡ HCM scan N/A
♡ HCM scan N/A
✔ FIV - Feline Immunodeficiency Virus N/A
✔ FeLV - Feline Leukemia Virus N/A
♡ HCM DNA, ALMS1 negative
♡ HCM DNA, ALMS1 negative
✔ 8/2024 Giardia negative
✔ 8/2024 FHV - Feline herpesvirus negative
✔ 8/2024 FCV - Feline calicivirus negative
✔ 8/2024 Mycoplasma felis negative
✔ 8/2024 FHV - Feline herpesvirus negative
✔ 8/2024 FCV - Feline calicivirus negative
✔ 8/2024 Mycoplasma felis negative
✔ 8/2024 Cryptosporidium negative
✔ 8/2024 Chlamydophila felis negative
✔ 8/2024 Tritrichomonas foetus negative
✔ 8/2024 Bordetella bronchiseptica negative
✔ 8/2024 Parvovirus negative
✔ 8/2024 Salmonella negative
✔ 8/2024 Tritrichomonas foetus negative
✔ 8/2024 Bordetella bronchiseptica negative
✔ 8/2024 Parvovirus negative
✔ 8/2024 Salmonella negative

Fun facts of Viivi
♡ She probably thinks she's a princess and the world revolves around her paw
♡ Favourite toys are soft balls
♡ Loves watching tv
♡ Favourite food is lamb
♡ Born as the only one and was a very big kitty
♡ Sleeps every night on mum's cheek♡ Favourite toys are soft balls
♡ Loves watching tv
♡ Favourite food is lamb

Sukusiitosaste 5 sukupolvessa 0 %
Sukukatokerroin 5 sukupolvessa 98,38 %
COI - Coefficient of inbreeding 0 % in 5th generation
AVK - Ancestor loss coefficient 98,38 % in 5th generation
Sukukatokerroin 5 sukupolvessa 98,38 %
COI - Coefficient of inbreeding 0 % in 5th generation
AVK - Ancestor loss coefficient 98,38 % in 5th generation